The method of selecting the meridian to be corrected varies according to the practitioner’s discipline. Osteopaths, kinesiologists and acupuncturists will use different tests to assess and select the energy meridian regardless of whether in excess of or lacking in energy. The courses teach a kinesiological method.

The Meridiantunes system comprises acoustically engineered natural sounds. Harmonized vocals produce both the effectiveness and pleasantness of the sound. In general, the treatment is pleasant and relaxing and is therefore also suitable for use in Wellness Centers.


The treatment is pleasant and relaxing and is therefore also suitable for use in Wellness Centers.

Starting from a tuning at 432 Hertz, physiologically compatible at the highest level, the various tuning forks corresponding to the 14 energy meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine are sampled.

By placing any audio speaker under the studio couch or even a bed, the mattress becomes a vibrating system, which is also practical for continuing the treatment at home. Moreover, by using the car audio system connected to the phone, the car seat can also become a vibrating medium, easy to use anywhere, whether outside or in.

By placing any audio speaker under the studio couch or even a bed, the mattress becomes a vibrating system, which is also practical for continuing the treatment at home.


Every fluid in the body, from the blood to spinal fluids, amplifies them and our bones vibrate entirely, right down to the marrow

Through the sound vibrations of Meridiantunes’ 14 audio tracks, which are specific for each energy meridian, in just 9 minutes, a selected meridian, whether in excess of or lacking in energy, can be rebalanced. The client can also verify the result with a final effectiveness test.

Our body cells resonate with the sound vibrations received just a few minutes after activating Meridiantunes and begin to harmonize on those same frequencies. Every fluid in the body, from the blood to spinal fluids, amplifies them and our bones vibrate entirely, right down to the marrow.

Prior to its release in 2022, the Meridiantunes method was tested for twelve years in various osteopathic, kinesiological and physiotherapy practices with every practitionerinvolved reporting astonishing results.